Ziad Fahed
Ziad Fahed has a Doctorate in Theology. He is Director of University Mission Office & Full Professor at Notre Dame University-Louaize, Lebanon. His main research interests are religions and politics, Interreligious dialogue and pluralism, the role of the Church during the war in Lebanon, the theology of the mission, and the contribution of the Church in building the Lebanese political system.
As a Fulbright scholar, he focused on ‘Religious Pluralism in the US in 2006 in the University of Santa Barbara California. In 2008 he has been awarded a second Fulbright and he focused on Interreligious Dialogue in Temple University, Philadelphia and Auburn Theological Seminary, New York. At the present, he is studying the impact of monotheistic religions on Lebanese society, as well as the challenges they pose to the coexistence among different Lebanese religious communities.

Religious Pluralism in the US
Fulbright Award
Summer 2006
Click here
Interfaith Community Action Program
Fulbright Award Fall 2008
Click here
For the Human Library project
Association of Student Affairs for Catholic College and University – San Diego University
Mission Integration Award
July 2018
Scholarship Board for a Fulbright Community Action Program
Fulbright Award
Program Director
Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund Award
Networking Moderate Religious Leaders in the North of Lebanon
Management System International -MSI-, USAID
Award for the courage and commitment in building respect among members of the human family
“Outstanding Leader in Interreligious Dialogue”
From The Dialogue Institute at Temple University - Philadelphia
March 2014
Recognition of his
Excellency Ambassador David Hale,
US Ambassador in Lebanon, August 25, 2014 in the State Alumni gathering
Mission Integration Award for Diversity and Inclusion
received form the American Student Affairs for Catholic Colleges and Universities, ASACCU
July 2018 – At San Diego University.
“Land of the Innovators” Award
under the patronage of the Lebanese Ministry of Culture
July 2020.