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Fahed Ziad (2011)

Guest Editor of Politics and Religion Journal, No2/2011 - Volume V – Jerusalem: Religions and Politics, Belgrade.

Fahed Ziad (2012)

Encyclopedia of Global Religion, Lebanon, Edited by Mark Juergensmeyer & Wade Clark Roof, SAGE Reference. Read more...

Fahed Ziad (2016)

Dialogical Engagement Reinforces University Students to Counteract Extremism, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Winter 2016, Volume 51, Number 1, pp 145-149.

Fahed Ziad (2016)

 زياد فهد، المواطنة بحسب تعاليم الكنيسة، المسّرة، العدد ۱٠۳، ۹٤۳، ٢٠۱۸

Fahed Ziad (2019)

“L'Eglise au Liban et la réconciliation nationale : un chemin à redécouvrir dans le cadre du centenaire du Grand Liban”, AL Maçarrat, Vol. 104, N. 944. 

Fahed Ziad (2020)

“L’Eglise au Liban et la construction d’une paix durable”, AL Maçarrat, Vol. 105, N. 945.

Fahed Ziad (2020)

“Lebanon Model of Interreligious Dialogue through the Feast of the Annunciation”, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol. 55, Issue, 3.

Fahed Ziad (2020)

“Teaching Spiritual Solidarity through “Human Books”, Teaching Theology & Religion,  DOI: 10.1111/teth.1255, pp. 1-7. 

Fahed Ziad, Merhej Ramzi (2020)

“Does Terrorism Make Sense?”, Revista Pesquisas Em Teologia, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio, Volume 3, Nbr. 6, pp. 394-431.

Fahed Ziad (2020)

Pratique démocratique et idéal évangélique : La grande mutation… réflexion sur l’Église au Liban et sa mission dans l’après-guerre, Atualidade Teologica, Maxwell, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio, V. 24, N. 66, Dec. 2020, pp.849-871. Read more..

Fahed Ziad (2020)

Ein Dialog des Lebens und eine bruckenbauende Reise – vom Krieg zur Versohnung, CIBEDO – Beitrage 3/2020, pp. 128-129. Click to View

Fahed Ziad, Saliba Marie-Belle, (2020)

“Faith and COVID-19: Can Catholic Social Teaching Save the World? A Lebanese Case Study”, Pistis and Praxis Teologia E Pastoral, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil, V. 12, n.3.

Fahed Ziad, Daou Anna-Maria, (2021)

 “Inter-religious Dialogue as a Gateway to the SDGs: A Lebanese Case Study”, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Temple University, Philadelphia, Volume 56:1, Winter 2021.

Fahed Ziad (2021)

“L’ecclésiologie dans les textes du Patriarche Maronite dans les années de guerre du Liban… Une Église en mission”, Parole de l’Orient, USEK, Volume 47.


Fahed Ziad (2015)

Driessen Michael, Daou Fadi, Alvanou Maria, Gry Guldeberg Friis (2015), Fostering Social Resilience Against Extremism, Leaders of Interreligious Understanding, Adyan-Danmission, 43 p. 

Fahed Ziad (2018)

Translating the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, Liberia Editrice Vaticana, 2018, 517 p.
"كومبنديوم" عقيدة الكنيسة الاجتماعية، المجلس الحبري عدالة وسلام.

Fahed Ziad (2020)

Thorsten Kruse, Hubert Faustmann, Sabine Rogge (eds), When the Cemetery Becomes Political - Dealing with the Religious Heritage in Multi-Ethnic Regions. Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien, vol. 14 (Münster, New York: Waxmann 2020). “From war to reconciliation – lessons from and for Lebanon: The role of religions in peacebuilding in time of war”. pp 195-205
زياد فهد، مؤمنون ومؤمنات على دروب الخير العام، أديان، ٢٠٢٠.

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